Gnarly Troop: Delhi-based NPO supports 300+ families by adopting village in Bihar

Apr 10, 2023

New Delhi [India], April 10 (ANI/ATK): Gnarly Troop, a non-profit organization, has adopted the Bakhari Village (Paigambarpur Panchayat) of Muzaffarpur in Bihar to facilitate major societal transformations among around 1500 villagers in the area. Embarking on its endeavour to help communities tackle tough challenges where people across the country are striving to overcome odds, Gnarly Troop has been creating awareness for value management of time and resources so tomorrow's leaders can build a better foundation for the future.
The Bakhari Village of Muzaffarpur in Bihar has around 586 voters who are over 18 years of age and over 900 children; with the male-female ratio being 1:1.2. The major occupational income of the villagers is through wages, and the number of students enrolled in an educational institution is 134. Around 60 per cent of men and women depend on the hiring for work in and at agriculture land. With the help of the Gnarly Troop, employment in private jobs has been increased by 17 per cent.
"At Bakhari Village, people participate in skill development training at Gnarly Troop Rural Area Development Centre to enable them explore better livelihood opportunities. Our community development programs offer the opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of life of less privileged children and people. we're ensuring every child gets a strong start in life, teenagers have the tools to learn and grow, and young adults thrive in the job market," noted Founder of Gnarly Troop Amarjeet Kr Thakur.
Stating that, going forward, the Gnarly Troop will be adopting at least one village each year in various parts of the country, Thakur said, "At the Gnarly Troop Village, you will find climate change is happening now and people are able to know the importance of studying. The current facilities are developed to improve the quality of life of every person residing in this village."
Bringing in major transformational changes, post adoption of the village, Gnarly Troop has established a rural development centre, community hall for farmers, women, and children, library for students, and an open sky campus for Paigambarpur Panchayat meetings and for the higher authority members of the village. At the open sky campus, every Sunday, the Gnarly Troop organises a meeting where the members of the Panchayat and other higher authorities of the village discuss the development of the area and the prospects of future growth.
Through programmes for sustainable development with educational and technical support in and at Gnarly Troop Academy, along with the foremost priority to set up a health and wellness centre for nutrition support and health services.
Gnarly (Global Network for Active and Responsible Leadership amongst Youths) Troop believes that equality, justice, peace, and brotherhood can become a stark reality of this world if its youth strive to achieve these goals through cooperation, cultural harmony, and community building will also help meet one of the biggest sustainable goals - climate control. Every year, Gnarly Troop hosts GT20 Summit in different countries with a vision based on 4C's i.e. Climate, Community, Culture and Cooperation. In line with its GT20 global summit, Gnarly Troop will be fervently dedicated towards its commitment to adopt at least one village each year, to be nurtured and developed by the troops.
Gnarly Troop was conceptualized and founded by a champion of universal bonding, Amarjeet Kr. Thakur in 2013. He, as an impactful thought leader, also encourages and motivates youths to make strides for positive changes in society and lead the world towards sustainable growth and development. The non-profit organization is also backed by the vision and mentorship of many dignitaries from academia, administration, social welfare, and healthcare sectors.
This story has been provided by ATK. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/ATK)