Going against party decision, Congress leader KV Thomas to attend CPI(M) seminar in Kannur

Apr 07, 2022

Kochi (Kerala) [India], April 7 : Going against his party's decision, Senior Congress leader and former Union Minister KV Thomas on Thursday confirmed to attend a seminar at the ongoing CPI (M) party congress in Kannur.
The former Union Minister Thomas had continuously approached Congress President Sonia Gandhi for permission, but she had refused his request twice.
While speaking to ANI, Thomas said, "I took the decision in Delhi a month back when CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury and I were having a discussion regarding it."
Yechury said, "You have to attend the seminar in Kannur. And the subjects were central-state relationship and secularism. I am calling Shashi Tharoor also."
Yechury further told Thomas that he has to attend this on the 9th, and Stalin is also coming.
Thomas then informed the Congress president and other leaders, "I have got a call and the invitation to participate in the seminar. I am not going to the meeting of the CPI (M). I am not going to the convention. I am going to an important national seminar where Stalin is participating. This is a national issue. I gave the details to the AICC."
Thomas further stated that "I received a call from Congress leader KC Venugopal saying Sonia Gandhi has given instructions not to attend the seminar as MP's from Kerala were opposing it. But I requested them to think about the national perspective of the discussion."
He alleged that K Sudhakaran the KPCC President uses threatening language. "Sudhakaran, the PCC President a good friend of mine. But he uses threatening language, if you go, you will be out. A person like me will not be threatened. I am a congressman."
"They should understand what is in my mind, what I am aiming at. The other is groupism in Kerala is a menace. Where are we now, the Congress party in Kerala? We should think about it," Thomas added.
He also said that he couldn't meet Rahul Gandhi, "This is not my complaint. A large number of senior leaders could not meet Rahul Gandhi. There is no problem with meeting Sonia Gandhi, for me she is always available. And it is because of her influence, we people are strong in the Congress party."
The Congress leader further said that "this is nationally important. Suppose in 2024, BJP again comes to power. Where are we? Where is the CPI(M) in Kannur? Where is the Congress in Kerala?"
On being dropped out of the party, Thomas said, "Why should I go out? Physically they can push me out. But I am a congressman, born in a congress family. I did not rope down. I got the support of the people. My age is 73 when I rejected the seat. There were many more elder people than me. Why this particular attitude towards me only? Why I am being isolated and social media attacks against me? I belong to a fishermen's family. Why they are attacking me?"
Seminar of CPI (M) has been organised in Kerala's Kannur from April 6 to April 10 and Thomas has been invited for it on April 9 at 5.00 pm. The subject of the seminar is 'Centre-State Relations'.
Earlier, the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) had also invited Shashi Tharoor for attending two seminars as part of the 23rd party congress of CPIM which is going on in the Kannur district of Kerala.
After the denial of permission by the AICC, Tharoor backtracked from his decision of attending the seminar, but Thomas did not.
Sudhakaran had earlier stated that if one is to remain with the party, one must follow the party policy.
Sudhakaran had said, "If KV Thomas wishes to exit from the party, he can do so. But I am sure that he will not do it and will not attend the CPI (M) seminar also."