Group of volunteers provide food to protesting farmers at Singhu border

Dec 28, 2020

New Delhi [India], December 28 : A group of over 20 volunteers is providing food to the agitating farmers at the Singhu border as they continued their protest at the borders of Delhi against farm laws amid the cold weather conditions.
"Around 15 to 20 peoples are indulged in the food-preparing process. Around five to six buckets of vegetables are cooked each time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Around six to seven quintals of wheat are being used for the chapatis," Shiv Singh, volunteer, told ANI.
Surjit, another volunteer said, he is from Himachal Pradesh and he wants to serve the protesting farmers. "My team is also indulged in the cleanliness process," he added.
A large number of people are supporting the farmers here, including volunteers from different states.
Amid the prevailing deadlock between farmers and the Central government over the new farm laws, the agitation of farmers entered the 32nd day on Monday.
With the cold wave prevailing in the region, farmers at the Ghazipur border were seen comforting themselves before small log fires.
Farmers continued their protest at the borders of Delhi against the Farmers' Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020; the Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020; and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020.
The protests at the Ghazipur border that started on November 28 entered the 30th day today.
Farmer unions have held several rounds of talks with the government and attended a meeting called by Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
Meanwhile, the Samyukt Kisan Morcha, a joint front of almost 40 farmer organisations, wrote a letter to the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare accepting the Centre's offer for dialogue and proposed December 29 as the next date for the meeting. .