Imran Khan posing as standard-bearer of Islam would create problems for Pakistan: Report

Feb 24, 2021

Islamabad [Pakistan], February 25 : Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan posing himself as the standard-bearer of Islam against the wave of 'Islamophobia' could create problems for the country, said an opinion piece in a Pakistani media outlet.
The opinion piece by Pakistan Today's editorial department earlier this week said that "domestic pressure" from a section of the powerful religious lobby requires Khan to increasingly cater to "religiosity" to prove his commitment to Islam.
"His claim to turn Pakistan into Riaste Madina, the decision to make Arabic language a compulsory subject in schools of Islamabad, banning 100 books in Punjab for profane and anti-Pakistan content, the announcement of Punjab Tahaffuz-e-Bunyad-e-Islam Bill 2020 are aimed at negating the damaging charges leveled against the PM by some of the religious parties," the piece said.
"The measures introduced by PM Khan are contributing to spread of religiosity and extremism. Imran Khan's mixing of politics and religion to gain support from religious quarters has taken a dangerous direction. Posing himself as the standard-bearer of Islam against the wave of Islamophobia, the PM is taking positions that could create problems for the country," it added.
Pakistan President Arif Alvi had on Sunday asked the political leadership of France "not to entrench the discriminatory attitudes against Muslims into laws", warning that such steps would lead to serious repercussions in the shape of hatred and conflict.
The president's remarks came in reference to an anti-radicalism bill passed by the French parliament's lower house last week with an overwhelming majority that would strengthen oversight of mosques, Radio Pakistan tweeted.
France on Tuesday summoned Pakistan charge d'affaires to protest comments by President Alvi on the new anti-radicalism bill introduced in the French Parliament and asked Islamabad to adopt a "constructive attitude" to bilateral relations.