India, Congo agree to enhance cooperation in multilateral fora

Apr 14, 2023

New Delhi [India], April 14 : India and Congo on Thursday held the second round of Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) and agreed to enhance their cooperation in the multilateral fora.
"The Second round of Foreign Office Consultations (FOC) between India and the Republic of Congo (ROC) was held on April 13th, 2023 in New Delhi. It was co-chaired by Sevala Naik Mude, JS (C&WA), and Ambassador Gisele Bouanga-Kalou, Director of Cabinet, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the ROC Government," read the Ministry of External Affairs press release.
During the meeting, both sides reviewed the entire gamut of bilateral relations, covering political, trade and commerce, investments, defense & security, development partnership, capacity building, and culture & people to people linkages.
They also discussed ways to further strengthen the ties between India and ROC. Both sides exchanged views on regional and global issues of mutual interest and agreed to enhance their cooperation in the multilateral fora, added the release.
Both sides agreed to hold the next round of consultations at Brazzaville, at a mutually convenient date
India and the ROC enjoy warm and friendly relations dating back to the pre-Independence era of the ROC.
With the opening of our resident Mission in Brazzaville in 2019, our bilateral relations have further strengthened. Bilateral trade has been growing steadily and has reached USD 1.47 billion during FY 2021-22 from USD 527 million in 2018-19, read the release.
India had extended three Lines of Credit (LoCs) worth USD 214.90 million to the ROC for rural electrification, the development of transportation systems, and the construction of cement plants.
India has also been supporting ROC in capacity building by providing training to Congolese officials in various areas under ITEC, as well as scholarships/fellowships under ICCR.