Israel: 'Beginner Exporter Track' will offer millions to aid export in low-income, minority areas

Jul 07, 2023

Tel Aviv [Israel], July 7 (ANI/TPS): The Ministry of Economy and Industry is opening aid tracks for exporters and companies marketing to international markets - to the extent of tens of millions of shekels. The "Smart Money" program contains two aid tracks: "Beginner Exporter Track" and "Experienced Exporter Track" will open for submissions on July 20, 2023. Special preference will be given, among other things, to minority populations and companies located in areas of national priority.
The Minister of Economy and Industry, MK Nir Barkat: "Exports are an important growth lever for the Israeli economy, and their importance is heightened sevenfold in a period of global economic uncertainty. I call on Israeli companies to make use of the various tools that the Ministry of Economy and Industry puts at their disposal, and in particular the 'Smart Money' program, which helps new and existing exporters to reduce the risks and uncertainties that exist when entering new markets."
The program will grant different preferences to:
Companies owned by Israelis from among the minority population.
Companies located in Eilat and the Eilot Regional Council, in the settlements surrounding Gaza, Arad, Dimona, Mitzpe Ramon and Yeruham, Beit Shemesh, and the Golan district.
Companies owned and managed by women.
Companies located in Jerusalem.
Companies located in national priority areas.
Companies that employ populations whose participation rate in employment is low. (ANI/TPS)