Israel: Employment rate of ultra-orthodox men hits high of 55.5 per cent

Aug 03, 2023

Tel Aviv [Israel], August 3 (ANI/TPS): Israel’s Minister of Labor, Yoav Ben Tzur took credit for his government for the reported increase in the employment rate of ultra-orthodox men in 2023. Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) recently reported this.
The employment rate for ultra-orthodox men at this stage in 2023 was reported as 55.5%, up from 53.1 per cent at the end of 2022. However, the statistics show a steady increase in the employment rate since the end of the Covid crisis when it 50.6 per cent. While the current rate is still up from the previous high of 51.9% in 2016, there is no data on what kind of work is being done and how many are employed full-time.
“The Ministry of Labor promotes training and employment in the economy and emphasizes the integration of diverse populations, and this proves itself,” commented Ben-Tzur. “The increase in the rate of ultra-Orthodox employment is the result of our efforts and thanks to extensive investment, and it makes a tremendous contribution to the economy.”
“From these data emerges the tremendous potential of the integration of the populations in the economy, when we benefit twice – once in training and quality employment for each person and a second time the economy is contributed by a diverse, skilled and quality workforce,” he added.
Minister Ben-Tzur is a member of the Sephardic ultra-orthodox Shas Party. (ANI/TPS)