Israel, Kashmir brought up for discussion at OIC extraordinary meeting in Pakistan

Dec 22, 2021

Tel Aviv [Israel], December 22 : Israel and Kashmir were brought up for discussion at the 17th extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC), convened by Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad to discuss Afghanistan and its humanitarian crisis.
Sergio Restelli, an Italian political advisor, author and geopolitical expert, writing in a blog of The Times of Israel said that there is no obvious connection between the crisis in Afghanistan and Israel, for obvious reasons Israel seemed to be the only important and clear part of the so-called "Islamabad Declaration" that was adopted by the OIC summit.
The "Islamabad Declaration" was very short on specifics when it came to aid for Afghanistan. What is clear is that the Islamic development bank (based in Jeddah) will open a trust fund by Q1/2022 to channel development funds from OIC countries for humanitarian aid to Kabul. No commitments were made or any specifics declared.
The OIC did not provide formal recognition to the attending Taliban minister Amir Khan Muttaqi who was excluded from the formal photo.
The Islamabad Declaration was very specific however condemning the illegal colonial measures practised by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories, declaring that "the Israeli measures are illegal and void and that the OIC does not recognize any changes affecting the pre-1967 parallel, especially in Al-Quds", reported The Times of Israel.
The meeting called on the international community, including the UN Security Council, to hold the Israeli occupation accountable for its violations, and to take all necessary measures, including imposing sanctions on Israel to stop these violations.
One could definitely say, at least in thought and action of the host, Prime Minister Khan, Israel was definitely present at this OIC meeting, added Restelli.
The final statement also condemned "the repeated attacks by the Israeli authorities on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the continuous attempts to change the historical and legal status quo under false religious pretexts," said Restelli.
Not only did Khan raise the issue of Israel, but as usual, he put up the issue of Kashmir too, which was totally uncalled for as the conference was on the humanitarian crisis of Afghanistan and moreover, it's the internal issue of India.
Speaking at the conference, rather than focus on the agenda and crisis at hand, Imran Khan chose to invoke Palestine and Kashmir, bringing both to the same plane.
He called upon the OIC member states to make a unified plan to help the oppressed people of Palestine and Kashmir, reported The Times of Israel.
As reported by News International, while appreciating the OIC's steadfast support for Kashmiris, Khan requested the OIC Secretary-General for continued advocacy for the resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions. However, he was curiously silent on the oppression of the Uyghur Muslims in neighbouring Xinjiang.