Kathak dancers led by Prachee Shah Paandya perform at SCO's gala concert in Dushanbe

Sep 17, 2021

New Delhi [India], September 17 : A group of artists led by actress and Kathak dancer Prachee Shah Paandya performed at the gala concert at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit (SCO) in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on Friday.
External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on Friday shared the proud moment calling it "an exquisite performance".
"An exquisite performance by Prachee Paandya and the group in the gala concert at the SCO Summit in Dushanbe. The audience reaction said it all," tweeted Jaishankar.
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar met his Uzbek counterpart Abdulaziz Kamilov on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Summit in Dushanbe and discussed the Afghanistan situation.