Looking forward to work with PM Modi to strengthen bilateral ties: Nepal's new PM

Jul 18, 2021

Kathmandu [Nepal], July 19 : Nepal's new Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba said he looks forwards to working with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi to strengthen the relationship between the two countries and people.
Deuba, who won a trust vote in Nepal Parliament early Sunday, thanked Prime Minister Modi for the congratulatory note.
"Thank you very much, Prime Minister @narendramodi Ji, for your congratulatory note. I look forward to closely working with you to strengthen the relationship between our two countries and people," tweeted Deuba.
The new Nepali Prime Minister tweet comes after Prime Minister Modi congratulated him for winning the vote of confidence.
In a tweet, PM Modi said, "Congratulations Prime Minister @DeubaSherbdr and best wishes for a successful tenure. I look forward to working with you to further enhance our unique partnership in all sectors, and strengthen our deep-rooted people-to-people ties."
Deuba was sworn in as Nepal Prime Minister last week. His ascension came just a day after a five-member Constitutional Bench of the Supreme Court reinstated the dissolved House of Representatives.
On Sunday, Deuba won a vote of confidence in the Nepal Parliament, securing 165 voted in the 275-member house of representatives.
On May 22, Nepal President Bidya Devi unconstitutionally dissolved Parliament for the second time in five months at the recommendation of then Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli.