Macron invites Tajik President to visit France

Aug 26, 2021

Paris [France] August 26 (ANI/Sputnik): French President Emmanuel Macron has invited his Tajik counterpart, Emomali Rahmon, to visit Paris, the Elysee Palace said on Thursday, with the two leaders set to continue the discussion on recent developments in Afghanistan following their phone conversation.
"The republic's president invited president Emomali Rahmon to come to France. He will receive him on October 13," the palace said in a statement.
During the phone call, which took place on Wednesday, the leaders also discussed the consequences of the Taliban takeover in Kabul and Afghan refugees.
"They agreed to continue the exchange of view in order to ensure stability and security in the region," the statement added.
The Tajik leader's office, in the meantime, told Sputnik that Rahmon briefed Macron on Dushanbe's measures to beef up security at the Tajik-Afghan border in light of the recent developments.
The sides agreed to continue consultations on Afghanistan and decided to instruct their foreign ministers to be in constant contact on the matter.
The Tajik president also thanked his counterpart for his initiative to discuss current issues of the Tajik-French relations and topical issues of the international and regional agenda. (ANI/Sputnik)