Merck Foundation and DR Congo First Lady announce, Stay at Home Media Recognition Awards to raise awareness about coronavirus in the country

May 12, 2020

Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India]/Kinshasa [Democratic Republic of the Congo] May 12 (ANI/BusinessWire India): Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany partners with Denise Nyakeru Tshisekedi, the First Lady of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to support livelihood of women and families of casual and daily workers who are most affected by the coronavirus (COVID -19) lockdown.
"Lockdown to control coronavirus is going to hit most casual and daily workers very hard. Therefore, Merck Foundation decided to support African governments strategy to save the people's living and livelihood. We have also undertaken similar relief activity in Egypt as well as in Ghana, Liberia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Sierra Leone and Niger in partnership with their First Ladies to further support 600 to 1000 poor families in Each country as part of 'Separated but Connected' Merck Foundation Initiative," explained Dr Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation.
"We are happy with our long-term partner Merck Foundation for their support during this time. It is important for us to take care of those affected severely by the coronavirus lockdown," emphasized Denise Nyakeru Tshisekedi, the First Lady of Democratic Republic of Congo and Ambassador of Merck More than a Mother.
"I'd like to shed a light on a very important issue; the pandemic has led to a horrifying increase in violence against women. Women and girls are under higher risk of domestic violence due to increased tensions in the household. Many of these women are currently trapped with their abusers, struggling to access any support service, they are lonely and suffering in silence. Therefore, Merck Foundation in partnership with African First Ladies supports casual workers with special focus on women as part of our signature campaign Merck More than a Mother," explained Dr Rasha Kelej.
Merck Foundation has also launched their 'Stay at Home' Media Recognition Awards in partnership with Denise Nyakeru Tshisekedi, the First Lady of Democratic Republic of Congo in the country. The theme of the awards is 'Raising awareness on how to stay safe and keep physically and mentally healthy during coronavirus lockdown'.
"The 'Stay at Home' Media Recognition Awards will encourage media to sensitize our communities. Raising awareness about coronavirus in our communities will contribute to supporting health workers who are at the forefront of COVID-19 response - providing high quality, respectful treatment and care, it will also enhance their great efforts in leading community dialogue to address fears and questions. Our hearts and thoughts are with them," explained Dr Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation.
The awards are open to all the journalists from print, online, radio and multimedia platforms from French speaking African countries. The awards have been also announced in English, Portuguese and Arabic speaking African countries.
It is also announced for Asian countries and Middle Eastern countries. The most creative and influential media work aiming to raise awareness and sensitizing communities about this alarming topic at a regular basis will be eligible to win these awards.
Details of the Merck Foundation "Stay at Home" Media Recognition Awards
Who can apply:
Journalists from Print, Online, Radio and Multimedia Platforms from Democratic Republic of Congo and other French speaking African countries.
Last date of submission:
Entries can be submitted till 30th June 2020
How to apply?
Entries can be submitted via Email to
along with your details (including name, gender, country, media house, email address & mobile number) and entry as an attachment

This story is provided by BusinessWire India. ANI will not be responsible in any way for the content of this article. (ANI/BusinessWire India)