Miles Away, But Heart in Bangalore: US based Techie to Breathe Life Back into 10 Lakes

May 22, 2024

New Delhi [India], May 22: Kapil Sharma, Corporate Vice President at Goldman Sachs and esteemed environmental visionary, exemplifies the integration of corporate leadership with environmental stewardship. Since his appointment in 2019, Kapil has balanced his corporate responsibilities with a relentless commitment to environmental causes, particularly through his passion project, SayTrees.
Kapil Sharma: A Dual Role in Corporate Leadership and Environmental Activism
Kapil's journey began in Bengaluru in 2001, where his love for the city ignited a dedication to preserving its charm. This devotion manifested in planting saplings and initiating lake rejuvenation projects. Despite being based in Dallas, Kapil has remained deeply invested in Bengaluru, channeling funds from the USA to support environmental initiatives in India. His efforts reflect a profound gratitude towards the city that shaped his identity.
In his role as the founder of SayTrees, Kapil has spearheaded various initiatives, from urban forestry to the restoration of vital water bodies, earning global recognition. His engagements with the World Economic Forum's Uplink Forum, TED Talk, and Radio One International. underscore his position as a key figure in sustainable development. His leadership and advocacy for sustainable practices have earned him prestigious awards like the Indian Achievers Award , inspiring individuals worldwide.
Kapil Sharma, Founder of SayTrees, said:
"Some might say environmental action requires sacrificing everything. But here at SayTrees, we prove that's not true. I have my career, and that allows me to contribute to a cause bigger than myself. Because let's face it, saving our planet isn't a solo act. It's about joining forces, building a community, and fostering camaraderie. Together, that's where real change happens."
SayTrees: From Plan to Execution
SayTrees operates on two fronts: tree planting and water body revival. This collective of climate change warriors collaborates with eco-champions, businesses, and committed individuals to sow trees, rejuvenate water bodies, manage waste, and forge a greener tomorrow. With over 100 Green Zones established, SayTrees has planted upwards of 700,000 trees in urban landscapes and an impressive 2.2 million trees through agroforestry initiatives. Since 2018, they have embarked on groundwater and surface water revitalization efforts, aiming to augment water-holding capacity by 100 billion liters by 2035.
Operating across 13 states and 3 union territories in India, including Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu, SayTrees has a wide reach. They also work in Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan, and Uttarakhand, along with the union territories of Delhi, Goa, and Ladakh.
Addressing the Water Crisis
India faces a dire water crisis, exacerbated by rapid population growth, urbanization, industrial expansion, and climate change. Urban centers like Bengaluru experience severe water scarcity due to unsustainable practices and erratic rainfall patterns. Solutions must include improved infrastructure for rainwater harvesting and robust conservation policies to ensure sustainable water management.

Visionary Efforts in Bengaluru
In Bengaluru, SayTrees has rejuvenated 8 lakes, restoring approximately 22 crore liters of water-holding capacity. Despite numerous challenges, including unpredictable weather patterns, their commitment to safe and sustainable rehabilitation of local flora and fauna remains steadfast. Their latest venture at Choodasandra lake exemplifies a model lake plan co-designed with the community for enduring sustainability. Their ambition to restore 100 billion liters of water-holding capacity by 2030 is now an urgent imperative.

A Call for Collaborative Support
SayTrees' mission to rejuvenate lakes and restore 100 billion liters of water storage capacity by 2030 requires substantial funding, estimated at 150-200 crores. They appeal to the CSR community for support, emphasizing the importance of water conservation and rallying stakeholders to unite in making a significant and lasting impact.
Kapil Sharma's journey with SayTrees epitomizes the power of collective action in tackling environmental challenges. From combating the water crisis in Bengaluru to spearheading reforestation efforts across India, his visionary leadership inspires meaningful change. As we navigate the road ahead, Kapil's unwavering commitment to sustainability serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that together, we can create a greener, more resilient future for generations to come.
About SayTrees
SayTrees is a dedicated environmental organization committed to reforestation and water body rejuvenation. Operating across India, SayTrees collaborates with local communities, businesses, and eco-champions to foster sustainable practices and build a greener tomorrow. To become a part of the journey please visit Saytrees.
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