Northeast Delhi violence: JCC was central in mobilisation, says Delhi Police while opposing bail plea of Umar Khalid

Aug 25, 2022

New Delhi [India], August 25 : While opposing the bail plea of Umar Khalid before the High Court, the Delhi Police on Thursday said Jamia Coordination Committee (JCC) was central in the mobilisation of people and in the funding of protest sites. Its members were connected with the members of other protest sites.
A division bench of justices Sidharth Mridul and Rajanish Bhatnagar adjourned after hearing the arguments by the special public prosecutor for Delhi police adjourned the hearing till August 30.
Delhi Police on Tuesday said that PFI and others were behind the protest of Shaheen Bagh.
The Delhi High Court is hearing the bail plea of Umar Khalid, an accused in a larger conspiracy case of North East Delhi Violence of 2020. The trial court had rejected the bail plea.
Special Public Prosecutor (SPP) Amit Prasad tried to establish the link between Umar Khalid and other accused persons and his presence at the secret meetings for conspiracy of riots.
SPP Amit Prasad argued that Umar Khalid and Nadeem Khan attended a meeting at Jamia. Thereafter JCC was formed on December 17, 2019. The next day its Facebook page was created. Safoora Jargar had created the WhatsApp group JCC.
SPP draw the attention of the Court that the number used for posting messages in the name of JCC was obtained on the basis of forged and fabricated documents. He said it shows that the person wanted to be remained concealed.
JCC was playing an important role in the mobilisation of people from Jamia to protest sites on the request by the persons of responsibility from those protest sites. Safoora Jargar was very much active in the group, SPP argued.
SPP submitted before the court that in DPSG every message was masked and calculated but in JCC it was otherwise.
He referred to a chat between Shajab and Safoora. Shajab said, nothing will happen by sitting at the gate of Jamia, we should do Chakka jaam. The. Safoora replied in the group, " please be silent my brother, what would you implement if all the plans were written here."
SPP argued that Chandbagh was the first place violence started. Safoora Jargar had been calling people to Chandbagh. He also referred to a message of Safoora on February 22, 2020 which reads, " police have known your plan, now sit quietly."
He also referred to another in JCC which reads " road has been blocked at Jafrabad, police is going there, please give an update." All women are requested to go there. It shows that group was sharing real-time reporting.
SPP Amit Prasad also referred to a chat between Tasleem Khan and Umar Khalid. In on of those chats Tasleem Khan said, "Umar Bhai I have to talk to you regarding Seelampur urgent." In another message, he informed Umar Khalid that Jafrabad's main road has been blocked tonight.
SPP also submitted by referring to the statement of the protected witness that Umar Khalid had held a meeting at Seelampur.
The direction was given to collect chilli powder, bottles and weapons. The idea was to hold first protest, then Chakka jaam and thereafter the violence, SPP argued.
The bench raised a question," were any recoveries after the statement?" SPP replied that not in this case, but in other cases recoveries were affected.
SPP also referred to a meeting at Jantar Mantar attended by Umar Khalid and his father. They met women from Jahangir puri. He said according to the statement of Helium, Umar Khalid was saying to them You are from Jahangir Puri where Bangladeshi are in large numbers, tell them about CAA-NRC.
The Prosecution also referred to Mahila Ekta Yatra started for the mobilisation of women at different protest sites since 14 February 2020. The location was provided by the other members including Umar Khalid and others.
He also referred to meetings of 16 and 17 February 2020 which were attended by witness Owais Suktan Khan. In those meetings allegedly the plan for roadblock and violence were discussed but were opposed by him.
He referred to chat in DPSG group in which Owais Sultan Khan was saying to Athar that we won't allow you and your friends to do violence.
SPP argued that after this message there was no whisper. This is the same group in which there was a lot of discussion on Dharna holding copies of the constitution and putting candles outside the Supreme Court. On the message of violence, this group was silent.
During the hearing on August 1, the prosecution had said that the North East Delhi riots were the results of a larger conspiracy and the idea was to create a sense of fear in the minds of Muslims and to paralyse the city.
The senior advocate appearing for Umar Khalid had concluded his arguments on the bail plea. He submitted that no case of conspiracy is made out against his client and there are major contradictions in the statement of witnesses.
It was also argued that Sharjeel Imam was connected and known to each other. Sharjeel was introduced to Yogendra Yadav by Umar Khalid at a protest at Jantar Mantar in January 2020.
The said objectionable speech was allegedly given by Umar in Amaravati on 17 February 2020. He was booked under UAPA by Delhi Police and was arrested on 13 September 2020.
Senior Advocate Tridip Pais had argued that there is no material, no basis of allegations in the charge sheet. It is based on hearsay.
During the argument on May 23, 2022, Pais argued that Sharjeel Imam had criticized a secular movement against CAA and Khalid does not agree with it.