Pak not interested in Kashmiri self-determination, only its annexation, says foreign policy expert

Feb 10, 2021

New Delhi [India], February 10 : Seth Oldmixon, American foreign policy expert, on Tuesday, ripped into Pakistan's claims that it is not interested in Kashmiri self-determination but in its annexation.
"Pakistan isn't interested in Kashmiri self-determination. It's interested in annexation. That's why they make politicians in the parts of Kashmir they control sign loyalty oaths," tweeted Oldmixon.
The tweet was in response to an anti-India article by CJ Werleman in Byline Times.
Pakistan has on many occasions has brought up the self-determination of Kashmir to internationalize the issue. However, India has always maintained that it's a bilateral issue.
Earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is facing massive backlash from the people over inflation, corruption, unemployment as well as the coordinated attack of opposition parties over transparency and accountability, again raked up the issue of Kashmir's self-determination to deflect attention from the real-problems facing Pakistan.
"On 5th January 1949, the United Nations guaranteed the right to self-determination for the people of Jammu and Kashmir through an impartial plebiscite. We observe this day as a reminder to the UN & its member states of their unfulfilled commitment to the Kashmiri people," tweeted Khan.
Pakistan has often raised the issue of Kashmir to turn attention away from its internal problems as well as to escape the ire of Western countries, who are concerned about the connection of Islamabad with terrorism.