Pranab Mukherjee a true friend of Bangladesh, great political icon of sub-continent: Bangladesh PM

Aug 31, 2021

New Delhi [India] August 31 : Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday remembered former President Pranab Mukherjee on his first death anniversary and said that "his contribution to our great liberation war would never be forgotten."
Speaking at 'First Pranab Mukherjee Memorial Lecture' via video conferencing, Hasina said that Mukherjee is a true friend of Bangladesh and a great political icon of the sub-continent.
"He was a true friend of Bangladesh & a great political icon of the sub-continent. I pay my deep homage to the memory of this towering personality on his death anniversary," she said.
"Pranab da had a deep love for Bangladesh. People of Bangladesh gratefully remember his support. Pranab Mukherjee had enormous respect and deep regards for our Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman," PM Hasina added.
Meanwhile, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu also said 'Pranab Da' always believed that "democracy is not a gift but a sacred guide."
Former prime minister Manmohan Singh said that Mukherjee was one of the most distinguished leaders of the Congress party
"He [Mukherjee] held several important portfolios in ministries in Government of India, to all positions he occupied, he brought immense wisdom, deep knowledge, extensive experience of public life and leadership skills, spearheading critical decisions of government on a wide range of issues," Singh added.