Rajasthan LoP Gulabchand Kataria slams ACB order on graft photos, videos

Jan 05, 2023

Jaipur (Rajasthan) [India], January 5 : Rajasthan Leader of Opposition Gulabchand Kataria on Thursday termed the recent decree of Rajasthan Anti Corruption Bureau of not making photos and videos of persons and personnel trapped in corruption cases public until proven guilty, as 'Tughlaqi' and requested the Chief Minister to withdraw it.
The BJP leader said to ANI, "The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) had built its reputation not only in Rajasthan but in the entire country. In Rajasthan, the phones of bigshots like SP, IG and collectors were tapped and they were accused of taking bribes. If an innocent person's phone is tapped, it's wrong. But to save one innocent at the cost of a hundred criminals is wrong."
The leader opined that this decree would bring shame to the entire department of ACB.
He said, "I will request the acting director general of ACB, Hemant Priyadarshi, that for God's sake, the Anti-Corruption Bureau should not destroy its reputation which they have made through hard work. Please withdraw the order. Else, I request the Chief Minister to withdraw it."
Acting DG of Rajasthan Anti-Corruption Bureau, Hemant Priyadarshi issued an order on Wednesday late evening, to all outposts in-charges, unit in-charges of ACB that the Anti-Corruption Bureau won't divulge the name and photos of the concerned person or personnel charged in bribery case during phone tapping procedure or later until he is proven guilty by the court.
The state government made Hemant Priyadarshi acting DG on Wednesday after the retirement of DG BL Soni of the Anti-Corruption Bureau and within hours of getting the charge, he gave this order which stoked controversy.