Russia not planning to negotiate with Taliban

Sep 09, 2021

Moscow [Russia] September 10 : Russia is not planning to negotiate with the Taliban after the outfit has ousted the democratically elected government in Afghanistan, Russian President Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov said.
These remarks came from the Press Secretary when he was asked in what format Russia is planning to conduct negotiations with the Taliban and who will conduct this dialogue: the military or diplomat, The Frontier Post reported.
"Contacts through our embassy are carried out in Kabul. Those contacts are necessary to ensure the safety of our diplomats on other technical issues. Steps that this new government will take, "Peskov said.
He was also asked on kind of security threats do Russia sees from the Taliban.
"A threat can potentially emanate from Afghanistan. We have talked about this many times. This is drug trafficking and the infiltration of terrorist groups there," Peskov pointed out.
Earlier, Russian Ambassador to India Nikolay Kudashev has said that it is concerned with threats that may emanate from Afghanistan after the Taliban has taken over the country.
Kudashev, while talking to ANI also said that Russia "We don't want soil of Afghanistan should be used as a source of terrorism. These are the very basic values that bring Russia and India together. I don't see much of the difference in our position as ambassador to India," he added
India and Russia share a common concern on terrorism emanating from Afghan soil. India has already expressed its concerns over the unfolding situation in Afghanistan and has stepped up vigilance and security in view of any effect in Kashmir.