Russia's rapid retreat from Kyiv, Chernihiv a reinforcement on East, South: Zelenskyy's adviser

Apr 02, 2022

Kyiv [Ukraine], April 2 : After the rapid retreat of the Russians from Kyiv and Chernihiv, Ukraine presidential Volodymyr Zelenskyy's adviser Mykhailo Podolyak on Saturday called on the US and its allies to deliver heavier weaponry to Ukraine saying that Russia is shifting its military campaign to focus on the east and south of Ukraine.
"After the rapid retreat of the Russians from Kyiv and Chernihiv, it is clear that Russia has prioritized another tactic to move east/south, to control large occupied territories (not only in Donetsk and Luhansk regions), and to gain a strong foothold there," Podolyak said, reported CNN news.
"Russia will leave all Ukrainian territories except the south and east. And will try to dig in there, put in air defense and sharply reduce the loss of its equipment and personnel," he added.
The president's adviser alluded to the current situation in Ukraine with Afghanistan. "Such actions took place during the Soviet Union's attempt to control Afghanistan: Afghan guerrillas destroyed and weakened the Soviet occupiers for years. As a result, weakened Russia as a whole."
Podolyak continued, "Some of our partners believed that something similar could happen in today's Ukraine. The Russians think otherwise. They have established in the east and south and are dictating harsh conditions. So we definitely can't do without heavy weapons if we want to unblock the east and Kherson and send [back] the Russians as far as possible," reported the news channel.
Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine on February 24 in response to calls from the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics for protection against intensifying attacks by Ukrainian troops.
The Russian Defense Ministry said the special operation, which targets Ukrainian military infrastructure, aims to "demilitarize and denazify" Ukraine. Moscow has said it has no plans to occupy Ukraine. Western nations have imposed numerous sanctions on Russia.