SC asks Centre to consider preparing model community kitchen schemes

Jan 18, 2022

New Delhi [India], January 18 : The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Centre to consider preparing a national model scheme, after getting data from the States, to combat the hunger-related issues faced by the poor through the spread of community kitchens across India.
A Bench headed by Chief Justice of India NV Ramana also sought from the Centre the latest data on starvation deaths in the country. It also said community kitchens must be opened in the States and asked the Centre to frame a model scheme for the purpose.
CJI Ramana said hunger has to be satiated and the Centre has to frame a model scheme, which can be tweaked by States to suit local food habits and culture.
The Bench also observed that so many freebies are announced by political parties during the election time but no one talks of satiating hunger and eradicating malnutrition.
It asked the states to give data to the top court in two weeks about malnutrition, starvation deaths and related issues.
After Attorney General of India KK Venugopal, appearing for the Centre, told the Bench that States have reported no deaths due to starvation, the Bench asked the Centre whether it is believable that there is no starvation death in the country.
"Can we understand that there is no starvation death in the country?" CJI Ramana asked the AG.
Venugopal said it can consider giving two per cent additional food grains to States for community kitchens.
The AG said Panchayats must run community kitchens as they cover every inch of land and know the reality.
The Bench told AG Venugopal, "The hunger has to be satisfied. Poor people are on street and suffering from that. Everyone is admitting there is an issue. Take a humanitarian angle and try to find a solution. Ask your officers to apply their mind."
The apex court was hearing a PIL seeking directions to the Centre, States and Union Territories to formulate a scheme for community kitchens to combat hunger and malnutrition.
The Bench said, "We explained to the Attorney General the intention of the court particularly of preparation of a model scheme and possibility of exploring resources and additional food grains. As far as logistics is concerned, as rightly pointed by the AG, it's for State governments to take care. In view of that, we adjourn for a period of two weeks, if state governments want to file any additional affidavit on issues of malnutrition etc. and other related issues as early before the court. States at liberty to make suggestions in this regard. All affidavits to sent to petitioner and AG immediately to enable the AG to make submissions on next date of hearing."
The apex court also took into note that most states have taken a stand that if the government of India provides the funds and it will provide food. He added that while some States are already implementing community kitchens and asking for funds, some other States have not implemented the schemes but are ready to if the Central government provides the funds.
It also waived off the costs earlier imposed on the States for failing to file the affidavits on time on the issue.
On February 17, 2020, the apex court had asked Delhi, Maharashtra, Manipur, Odisha, and Goa to deposit an additional cost of Rs 10 lakh each as they failed to pay Rs 5 lakh each imposed on them earlier for failing to file an affidavit on steps being taken to formulate a scheme for community kitchens for the poor.
The Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by social activists Anun Dhawan, Ishann Singh, and Kunajan Singh had sought a direction to the Centre for creating a national food grid for people falling outside the purview of the public distribution scheme.
The plea referred to the state-funded community kitchens being run in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Odisha, Jharkhand, and Delhi that serve meals at subsidized rates in hygienic conditions.