Shashi Tharoor calls demolition drive in Jahangirpuri 'new technique of intimidation'

Apr 20, 2022

New Delhi [India], April 20 : Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on Wednesday said the demolition drive in Delhi's Jahangirpuri area was "illegal, arbitrary and unconstitutional", and called it a "new technique of intimidation" which could take the country's image downhill.
Speaking to ANI, Tharoor said, "Supreme Court had given an order that status quo must be maintained and demolition shouldn't proceed, but four hours after that order was issued, the demolitions did continue. This is illegal, arbitrary and unconstitutional since no notice was given to the victims."
"India's image is going downhill around the world. Everything I hear from my friends abroad is deeply negative. We're being identified with minority persecution and Islamophobia. We at one point used to be respected for our democracy and diversity... BJP is responsible," said Shashi Tharoor.
Tharoor termed the demolition a "criminal act" and said that the move was an assault on the values of the Constitution.
"Homes and shops were destroyed, it's an absolutely criminal act for which serious action should be taken. This is a new technique of intimidation that is going to burn our country down. It's an assault on the values of the Constitution of India," he said.
Tharoor noted that the demolition of houses is a "very inhumane public punishment".
"Investigate properly, find out who's responsible, take them to Court, give them notices. If the final punishment is decided to be demolition, which is a very inhumane public punishment, then let there at least be proper notices so people can make arrangements," he said.
Tharoor took a jibe at the Centre and said that the job of the government is to "build up a nation and not bulldoze it down".
"The government that is elected to build has chosen instead to destroy. The job of a government is to build up the nation, not bulldoze it down. This government has forfeited the trust of a large number of its citizens by this shameful conduct," he said.
Earlier, Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled North Delhi Municipal Corporation (NDMC) scheduled an "encroachment removal action programme", wherein illegal construction in the Jahangirpuri area was to be removed.
Later, the Supreme Court on Wednesday had asked the registry to communicate the status quo order to North Delhi Municipal Corporation Mayor, North DMC Commissioner and Delhi Police commissioner and halted the demolition drive.
Earlier, an altercation between two groups erupted during a religious procession in Delhi's Jahangirpuri on April 16 that left nine people injured including eight police personnel and a civilian.