State of emergency declared in Israeli prison over missing bars

Oct 01, 2023

Tel Aviv [Israel], October 1 (ANI/TPS): A state of emergency was declared in Israel’s Ma’asiyahu prison after guards noticed some bars were missing from a cell window on Saturday.
According to the Israeli Prison Service, the missing bars were one of three layers, and the other two layers were intact. The IPS added that there was no evidence of cutting or displacement. The discovery was made during a routine inspection.
Extensive searches were carried out in the other wings of the prison, which did not reveal any unusual findings.
The prison is undergoing renovations and authorities will continue to inspect the building and question the prisoners living in that cell.
Ma’asiyahu, a minimum-security prison, is located in the central town of Ramla.
Meanwhile, five soldiers who served as guards at the Ramon Prison in southern Israel suspected of having an affair with a Palestinian security prisoner are due to be questioned by police this week. Details remain under a gag order.
National Security Prisoner Itamar Ben-Gvir reportedly wants the Cabinet to form a commission of inquiry to examine the Israel Prison Service’s conduct amid allegations that imprisoned Palestinian terrorists assaulted and raped female soldiers working as guards at the Gilboa Prison.
Several prison officials have been accused of “pimping out” the young soldiers to the Palestinians in exchange for intelligence and calm in the northern Israeli facility. (ANI/TPS)