Swacch Survekshan 2021: Kalburgi City Corporation conducts rally to create awareness on hygiene, sanitation

Feb 11, 2021

Kalburgi (Karnataka) [India], February 11 : The Kalburgi City Corporation in association with the National Service Scheme (NCS) and Kalburgi University on Thursday conducted a mega rally for creating awareness regarding Swacch Survekshan 2021, an annual survey of cleanliness, hygiene and sanitation in cities and towns across the country.
The Swacchta rally from Jagat Circle to DC office Kalburgi aims to creating awareness on sanitation practices and segregation of dry and wet waste and plastic ban, officials said.
"The rally has been organised to spread awareness about sanitation, segregation of wastes, ban of plastic and other sanitation-related activities. In the rally, over 1,500 students from various colleges under the NSS have participated. Pourakarmikas of the corporation and the general public have also participated in the rally," said a participant in the rally.
"As part of the rally District Collector, Deputy Commissioner of Police and other top officials talked on how to maintain cleanliness and sanitation in Kalburgi," he said.
Expressing hope that the rally will go a long way in creating awareness about cleanliness and sanitation, another participant said that this rally will make the dream of 'Swachh Kalburgi' a reality.
The annual cleanliness survey is conducted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).