The Travelling CEO: An Expedition from Delhi to London for Hearing Awareness

Aug 02, 2023

Noida (Uttar Pradesh) [India], August 2: The global epidemic of hearing loss has motivated Noida-based entrepreneur, Vishwajeet Vishnu, Managing Director at Ear Solutions, to embark on an extraordinary journey that will span over 20,000 kilometres from Delhi to London. The Travelling CEO's road trip for hearing awareness will traverse through an inspiring route, covering cities and countries that include Delhi, Jaipur, Mumbai, Dubai, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, and France, before culminating in the vibrant city of London.
Hearing loss is a pressing issue affecting millions worldwide, with over 6.3 crore people in India alone suffering from hearing disabilities. Despite the sheer magnitude of the problem, lack of awareness remains a significant obstacle in addressing this issue effectively.
Scheduled to commence on the 28th of August, the road trip will bring together a dedicated team of hearing healthcare professionals, advocates, and individuals with personal experiences of hearing loss. The primary focus of the trip is to engage with communities, organizations, and healthcare professionals in various countries, fostering knowledge-sharing, resources, and experiences related to hearing loss.
Spanning approximately 60 days, the road trip will serve as an invaluable platform to educate the public about the prevalence, causes, and potential solutions for hearing loss. Through a series of interactive workshops, awareness campaigns, and community engagement events, the team aims to empower individuals to take proactive steps in their hearing health journey.
"We firmly believe that everyone deserves the gift of sound and the ability to actively participate in society," said Vishwajeet Vishnu, Managing Director at Ear Solutions Pvt. Ltd. "This road trip exemplifies our unwavering commitment to raising awareness, eradicating stigma, and fostering a more inclusive world for individuals with hearing loss."
Ear Solutions Pvt. Ltd. extends a heartfelt invitation to individuals, organizations, and the public to join them on this transformative journey. The progress of the expedition can be followed on their website (
), Instagram page (
), Facebook page (
), and YouTube channel (
) using the hashtag (#absabsunenge).
For more information, please visit 

Ear Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a leading provider of hearing healthcare solutions, dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with hearing impairments. With over 25 branches across India, the company has positively impacted the lives of more than 1 lakh customers nationwide. With a focus on innovation, accessibility, and education, Ear Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is committed to breaking down barriers and creating a world where everyone can experience the beauty of sound.
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