Tokyo Olympics: Pravin Jadhav to compete with Deepika at Archery Mixed Team event

Jul 23, 2021

Tokyo [Japan], July 23 : Having scored maximum points in the men's qualification -- ahead of Atanu Das and Tarundeep Rai -- it will be Pravin Jadhav who would be competing alongside Deepika Kumari in the Archery Mixed Team Event at the Tokyo Games, as per the official website of Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
Pravin Jadhav was seeded the highest in the men's individual archery ranking round and as a result, he would be competing alongside Deepika Kumari. Pravin finished the round at the 31st position while Atanu finished at a disappointing 35th position. The mixed team is now placed at the ninth spot and it is this position, at which the pair of Deepika and Pravin will start the elimination rounds in the Tokyo Olympics.
Pravin and Deepika's collective score reads 1319. They will take on Chinese Taipei in the 1/8 Eliminations round.

In the men's individual archery ranking round, Atanu Das and Tarundeep Rai gained 35th and 37th spot respectively.
The mixed team format was added to the programme of World Archery Championships in Turin 2011 and the event is finally making its debut at the Olympics.
Heading into the showpiece event, the pair of Deepika and Atanu were ranked seventh in the world and it was expected that they would be competing at the mixed team event as they also won gold at the Paris Stage 3 World Cup.
Earlier, world number one Deepika Kumari finished the women's individual archery ranking round at a below-par 9th position after a good first-half display here at the Yumenoshima Ranking Field on Friday. South Korean San An created a new Olympic record.
Deepika Kumari who will be seeded 9th in the women's individual event will now face 56th placed Bhu Karma from Bhutan in the first elimination round on July 28. Bhu Karma, a Rio Olympian, is 193rd in the world rankings.