Ujjain MP writes to Amit Shah, pitches for law against Love Jihad

Nov 05, 2020

Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) [India], November 5 : A lawmaker from Madhya Pradesh has written a letter to Amit Shah requesting the Union Home Minister to bring in a law against Love Jihad.
Anil Firojiya, the Lok Sabha MP from Ujjain, has demanded a law to control Love Jihad- terminology used by some groups to accuse Muslim men of conspiracy to forcibly convert Hindu women for marriage.
"As you are aware that there are many cases of Love Jihad being reported in the country. Recently, a case of Love Jihad was reported from Bhopal where a Muslim man had married a Hindu woman after changing his name. Five years after the marriage he started exploiting the woman for religious conversion," Firojiya wrote.
This comes days after Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath saying that his government would bring an effective law against Love Jihad.
"I warn those who conceal identity and play with our sisters' honour. If you don't mend your ways your 'Ram naam satya' (chant associated with Hindu funerals) journey will begin," Adityanath said at a rally for Jaunpur by-elections.
The chief minister was citing the recent Allahabad High Court verdict that dismissed a petition filed by a married couple seeking direction to others to not interfere in their married life.
"Conversion just for the purpose of marriage is unacceptable," the court had observed.
The issue of Love Jihad has been on the boil for the past few weeks. Close on the heels of Adityanath's 'Ram naam satya' remark, his Haryana counterpart Manohar Lal Khattar said that his government is contemplating a law against Love Jihad.