UK to host in May first in-person G7 foreign ministers meeting since 2019

Apr 20, 2021

London [UK], April 20 (ANI/Sputnik): The first in-person meeting of G7 foreign ministers since April 2019 will be held in London between May 3-5 under strict COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing guidelines, the UK Foreign Minister, Dominic Raab, told UK Parliament on Tuesday.
"The meeting of G7 Foreign and Development Ministers next month is an opportunity to show how the world's biggest democracies work together to ensure equitable access to vaccines, build back better from the pandemic, support girls in the poorest countries get a good quality education and agree ambitious action to tackle climate change," Raab said.
According to the foreign secretary, organizers will put strict COVID-19-secure measures in place, including daily testing to ensure the health and wellbeing of all staff, attendees, and the public. (ANI/Sputnik)