Ukrainian FM speaks with his German, Belgian, Italian counterparts amid tensions with Russia

Feb 25, 2022

Kiev [Ukraine], February 26 : Amid the growing tensions between Moscow and Kiev, Dmytro Kuleba, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, on Friday (local time), spoke with his German, Belgian and Italian counterpart.
Taking to Twitter, Kuleba said that he spoke with his German counterpart Annalena Baerbock and agreed that "pressure on Russia must be elevated until the moment it ceases its aggression against Ukraine."
Kuleba also spoke with his Belgian counterpart Sophie Wilmes and Italian counterpart Luigi Di Maio.
"Call with Belgian Foreign Minister @Sophie_Wilmes. Belgian government considers ways of providing Ukraine with practical support. Grateful for solidarity with Ukraine at this difficult time," he tweeted.
"Call with my Italian counterpart @luigidimaio. Full solidarity with Ukraine. My colleague assured me that Italy will support banning Russia from SWIFT," he wrote in a tweet.
Earlier, Kuleba spoke with the Foreign Minister of Bahrain Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani to brief him about the latest developments of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
"Call with Foreign Minister of Bahrain Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani to brief him about the latest developments of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. I urged Bahrain as a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council to call on Russia to cease hostilities and commit to dialogue," he tweeted.