US arrests 2 more persons for January 6 US Capitol breach: Justice Department

Aug 28, 2021

Washington [US], August 28 (ANI/Sputnik): Two more men have been arrested for crimes related to the January 6 breach of the US Capitol complex, the Justice Department said.
"A Maryland man was arrested yesterday and a Florida man was arrested today for crimes related to the breach of the US Capitol on Jan. 6, which disrupted a joint session of the US Congress that was in the process of ascertaining and counting the electoral votes related to the presidential election," the Justice Department said in a statement on Friday.
Uliyahu Hayah of Maryland has been charged with assault and civil disorder after he pushed an officer into a crowd of people shortly following another US Capitol Police officer shot dead unarmed protester Ashli Babbitt.
Robert Fairchild Jr. of Florida has been charged for assaulting an officer and disorderly conduct. Fairchild was seen grabbing a security gate and attempting to take it away from an officer, pushing against barriers with a crowd of other protesters into a group of officers and helping the crowd carry away police barriers.
Both men made their initial court appearances on Friday afternoon. The Justice Department said more than 570 individuals have been arrested for crimes during the January 6 events at the US Capitol and investigations are ongoing. (ANI/Sputnik)