US reports highest spike in COVID-19 cases since mid-August

Sep 26, 2020

Washington [US], September 26 : The United States, for the first time since mid-August, reported 55,054 new COVID-19 cases across the country on Friday as per the latest updates by Johns Hopkins University, reported by CNN.
According to CNN, this is the highest single-day reporting of new cases since August 14, when the US reported 64,350 new cases in 24 hours.
The seven-day average of new cases reported in the US for the past week was 44,111, according to data from JHU.
According to the university's update, the US continues to be the worst-affected country from the virus with over 7.04 million COVID-19 cases reported in the country and 203,918 fatalities due to COVID-19.
Globally, there are 32,626,165 COVID-19 cases and 990,134 deaths due to the virus.