US will 'carefully review' Iran sanctions if Tehran returns to nuclear deal: Treasury Secy

May 27, 2021

Washington DC [US], May 27 (ANI/Sputnik): The United States will review carefully its sanctions regime against Iranian oil exports if Tehran returns to the 2015 nuclear agreement that aimed at preventing the Islamic Republic from acquiring nuclear weapons, said US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Thursday.
"With respect to Iran. I think you know, the president is looking at negotiations that might succeed in bringing Iran back to full compliance (with)... the JCPOA and as indicated that the United States is prepared to do the same if Iran agrees to that," Yellen said referring to the Iranian nuclear agreement.
"So we will carefully review what sanctions relief would be appropriate if Iran takes the appropriate steps."
Iran and other participants of the JCPOA, - China, France, Germany, Russia and the UK, have been negotiating in recent weeks to revive the nuclear deal for the US to rejoin the deal.
The United States which attends the talks indirectly ceased its participation to the JCPOA in 2018, resuming all sanctions against Iran. (ANI/Sputnik)