Utilising COVID period, Surat miniature artist carves beautiful artefacts on betel nuts

Jan 02, 2021

Surat (Gujarat) [India], January 2 : Utilising the COVID-19 lockdown period, a miniature artist from Surat has carved various artefacts on betel nuts including Ram temple, Lord Ganesha and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
"I took up this hobby during quarantine to utilise time. I have carved about 60 artefacts till now like betel leaves boxes, conch shell stands, little miniature water pots and models," Pavan Sharma, the artist told ANI.
Sharma carves various things on small betel nuts such as images of Lord Ganesha, Ram Mandir, corona warriors, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, alphabets and many more things.
"It is difficult to do carving on betel nuts as they are hard and initially it took me around two to three hours to carve one alphabet but now with practice, I can now carve the same in about 15 minutes," he added.