Uttarakhand DGP directs strict action against hooliganism, drugs abuse in pilgrimage sites

Apr 28, 2023

Dehradun (Uttarakhand) [India], April 28 : Uttarakhand Director General of Police Ashok Kumar on Friday directed all the district in-charges to immediately arrest those who indulge in hooliganism and drugs on the banks of the Ganges and pilgrimage sites.
The direction was issued in order to maintain the dignity of the state's pilgrimage sites and cleanliness at the tourist places.
DGP Kumar directed to take strict action against those who litter the tourist places by imposing fines under "Operation Maryada".
With the opening of the doors of Gangotri, Yamunotri, Kedarnath and Badrinath Dham, the Chardham Yatra has started in Uttarakhand.
With the commencement of the Char Dham Yatra, the police have also geared up and are helping devotees to reach their destination
As the doors of Badrinath Dham opened for pilgrims on Thursday morning, the first puja was performed in the name of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The portals of Badrinath Dham, one of Uttarakhand's Char Dham opened amid chants of Vedic shlokas (hymns). Thousands of devotees were present to witness the inauguration. The process of opening the doors started at 4 am on Thursday. Kuber ji, Shri Uddav ji and Gadu Ghada were brought into the temple premises from the south gate, informed officials.
Meanwhile, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) took an initiative on cleanliness and cleaned the premises of the Badrinath temple in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand on Thursday.
Every year before the Shri Badrinath Dham is opened for the devotees, the ITBP personnel offer services and clean the temple and its surrounding areas.
With the commencement of the Char Dham Yatra this year, a campaign has been launched by the ITBP Jawans to keep the hills and the water sources clean near the shrine.
With this cleanliness campaign, a message also goes out to all the pilgrims and locals arriving for the Char Dham Yatra. They will be inspired to maintain cleanliness on the Dhams and the Char Dham Yatra routes, according to the ITBP statement.