Village Sarpanch shot dead in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior

Oct 09, 2023

Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh) [India], October 9 : Unidentified motorcycle-borne assailants shot dead a sarpanch in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior district on Monday, police said adding that the cause of the shooting incident could be old enimity.
The incident took place at Gayatri Nagar area under the jurisdiction of Padav police station in the district at around 11 am today. The deceased was identified as Vikram Rawat, sarpanch of Banehari village.
Senior Superintendent of Police Rajesh Singh Chandel told ANI, "Sarpanch of Banehri village Vikram Rawat on Monday was going to court and during this some people shot him dead. Rawat was shot with five bullets in the incident. It was said to be a case of old enmity and there had also been a dispute among them in 2021."
The police have registered a case into the matter and have begun an. Efforts are being made to soon arrest the culprits, SSP Chandel said adding that considering the seriousness of the matter, police are on high alert in the area.