Apply mind before you speak: Defence Minister’s advise to politicians on sexist remarks

Apr 17, 2019

New Delhi, Apr 17 (ANI): Empathising with BJP candidates and actor Jaya Prada, Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman today said political leaders should apply their minds before they speak about women-related issues. In an exclusive interview to ANI, Minister Sitharaman said, “100 per cent. It is always easy to hit at a woman when you talk about other things which don’t become part of the conversation or which are not germane to the discussion. You easily pick up on things which are very personal or are gender specific and not called for at all. I find that coming very easily without a thought.”“This is where I think all of us think before the word comes out of the vocal cord to the lips. There should be some kind of momentary application of mind at least,” said the Defence Minister on Jaya Prada and other women politicians who face sexist remarks from male counterparts.