Baloch, Sindhi activists in UK protest against human rights violations by Pakistan

Aug 16, 2021

London (United Kingdom), Aug 16 (ANI): Baloch and Sindh activists staged a demonstration outside the British Parliament in London this past weekend to highlight the ongoing human rights violations by the Pakistani state and its army against indigenous and ethnic minorities. The protesters chanted pro-freedom slogans while raising concern over rising incidents of enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings of Sindhi and Baloch people. They termed August 14, the day Pakistan was formed, as a Black Day and said it is the day when cultural genocide and ethnic engineering started against their communities. The activists also expressed concern over socio-economic and political suppression and exploitation of natural resources by Pakistan in Sindh and Balochistan. They have long been requesting the international community to take notice of their peaceful struggle and demanded intervention to stop Pakistani atrocities.