Bangladesh: Protests held against Pakistan’s invasion of Kashmir in 1947

Oct 22, 2021

Dhaka, Bangladesh (ANI) October 22, 2021: A massive protest was held in Dhaka city to mark October 22 as 'Black Day' when Pakistan led tribal forces attacked the innocent Kashmiri population in 1947 to take control of Jammu and Kashmir under code name `Operation Gulmarg’. The event drew parallel to the 1971 Genocide under code name ‘Operation Searchlight’ by Pak Army in Bangladesh. A seminar was organised at Dhaka Reporters Unity, which was attended by more than 100 participants. Banners and placards condemning the massacre in Kashmir by Pakistan backed tribals were displayed in the seminar hall. Open dialogue, a Dhaka based NGO organized a Human Chain of more than 100 people on the ‘Black Day’ with banners ‘Disgusting Blueprint of Pakistan Army’ in front of Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka. On October 21, 1947 about 20,000 tribesmen, backed by the Pakistan Army, took over the bridges spanning Neelum river on the Hazara road linking Muzaffarabad and Abbottabad (Now, Pakistan occupied Kashmir) and occupied the major towns of Muzaffarabad and Mirpur. Those who could not recite “Kalima” were killed and their belongings were looted. They picked up young women as sex slaves and killed children, old women and men of all ages. The invaders later occupied Uri and Baramulla, but were pushed back by the Indian security forces after Maharaja Hari Singh appealed to India for military assistance to stop the aggression.