BRICS Project Lab Forum held at MGIMO in Moscow

Apr 13, 2022

Moscow (Russia), Apr 13, 2022, (ANI): One of the leading Russian Universities known as The Moscow State Institute of International Relations is operating BRICS Youth project laboratory, which is more than just a scientific conference. Youngsters are in for brainstorms, workshops, and their projects' defence in front of the expert community. According to the brics laboratory rules, students from the big five universities choose the country they will represent at the forum, and together with their team, develop a project on one of the topics. Pevekar Chinmai Krishna is a fifth-year medical student at Tambov University. He represents India on the forum. The forum plenary session participants spoke a lot about the role today's students will have to play in the future of the 5 states.The meeting was attended by director of relations with state & public organisationsof the national brics research committee Valeria Gorbacheva and TV brics international network ceo Zhanna Tolstikova. The main topic of the meeting is the countries of the "five" in an era of change. Lyudmila Sekachev, the president of “brics. World of traditions» regional public organisation, has announced the BRICS youth union at the meeting, which may fully start operating already in 2022. The organisers believe that the brics lab is exactly the format that will be able to teach the youth of the big five countries to work together.