Decrease in COVID cases reported in Southeast Asian region: Health Ministry

Dec 02, 2021

New Delhi, Dec 02 (ANI): Joint Secretary of Union Health Ministry, Lav Agarwal on December 02 informed that a decrease in COVID-19 cases has been reported in the Southeast Asian region. “Surge in cases being noted across the world on an overall basis, Europe reported 70% of the cases in the world in last one week. In the week ending November 28, around 2.75 Lakh new cases and over 31,000 deaths reported in European region. In comparison to this, Southeast Asian region that includes India and 11 other countries, reported only 1.2 lakh cases in last one week - only 3.1% of the cases of the world. A decrease in cases is being reported in the Southeast Asian region,” said Lav Agarwal.