Five years on, Varanasi still battling Ganga pollution

Apr 25, 2019

Varanasi (UP), Apr 25 (ANI): Being the largest river in India and revered for its religious importance, pollution in Ganga has been a focal point for a long time now. PM Modi had made clean-up of the Ganga as one of his key campaign promises in the 2014 general election. His administration committed $3 billion in 2015 for a five-year project to clean the 2,525-km (1,570-mile) river remains heavily polluted despite being a water source for over 400 million people. Five years on and several projects and efforts later, the levels of pollutants in the river remain a point of concern. The Ganges is arguably one of the most revered rivers in the world and one of the most polluted. While speaking to ANI, a local said, “In the view of tourism, we have illuminated the banks and brought some beautiful birds and pigeons. However, practically, if the sewers don't stop emptying in the river then the actual importance of the holy river, its purity is compromised. When we drink this polluted water, it's not good for health either.”