Green tea extract combined with exercise may reduce fatty liver: Study

Feb 15, 2020

New Delhi Feb 16 (ANI): In a recent study, researchers have come up with a potential health strategy to combat fatty liver disease. They have found that a combination of green tea extract and exercise reduced the severity of the obesity-related disease by 75 per cent in mice fed a high-fat diet. In the study, mice fed a high-fat diet for 16 weeks that consumed green tea extract and exercised regularly by running on a wheel were found to have just a quarter of the lipid deposits in their livers compared to those seen in the livers of a control group of mice. Mice that were treated with green tea extract alone or exercise alone had roughly half as much fat in their livers as the control group. In addition to analyzing the liver tissues of mice in the study researchers also measured the protein and fat content in their faeces. They found that the mice that consumed green tea extract and exercised had higher faecal lipid and protein levels.