Guterres Praises Nepal's Commitment to Peace and Development

Nov 01, 2023

Kathmandu (Nepal), Nov 01 (ANI): U N Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has left for New York from Kathmandu after officially concluding a four-day visit to Nepal. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence Purna Bahadur Khadka bid him farewell at the VVIP lounge of the Tribhuvan International Airport. During his visit, Guterres addressed the joint session of Nepal’s Federal Parliament that called on the government to ensure transitional justice keeping the victims at the centre. At the end of the centuries-long monarchy, the government in 2006 had signed a peace accord that ensured transitional justice. However, no significant steps have been taken in that direction as yet. Suggesting measures to make the efforts focusing on the victims, Guterres also extended support to drive the progress and find solutions.