Inoculation drive begins in Nepal for age group of 12-17 years

Jan 13, 2022

Bhaktapur, Nepal, Jan 13, 2021, (ANI): Nepal has started inoculating its population in the age group of 12-17 years after a spike in coronavirus cases. Nepal’s Bhaktapur district became the first district to start the inoculation drive. In coordination with local bodies, Moderna vaccines are being administered to students aged 12-17 years at various schools. The adjoining districts of Kathmandu and Lalitpur are also expected to inoculate a large number of children through the vaccination drive from Tuesday. Nepal has provided two shots of COVID-19 vaccines to 37% of its population of 30 million since an inoculation drive began a year ago. Nepal has also banned large public gatherings and closed schools for nearly three weeks. Authorities hope the closure of schools will help break chains of infection amid fears about the rapid spread of the Omicron variant of the virus.