Moscow adopts latest waste recycling technology to protect environment

Oct 13, 2021

Moscow (Russia), Oct 13, 2021, (ANI): Recycling waste offers an important environmental benefit. To follow this beneficial step further, plastic along with old tires, thermometers, batteries, glass, textiles are brought here for recycling. However, this is not a complete list of waste that’s under the recycling process; there are already 50 Megabak sites on the Moscow region territory. To keep the environment better and sustain, burial of worn-out tires, electronic and household appliances is prohibited in Russia. Instead of these landfills, Russia now has modern processing facilities that create conditions for improving the ecology of the region. People involved in this initiative get bonuses for a responsible attitude towards the future of the planet. Up to 35000 tons of scrap metal is processed per month at an enterprise near Moscow Regional town of Dzerzhinsky. An annual competition is also held in Moscow to encourage drivers to hand old tires over for recycling. Everyone who came to return their used tires can take a photo and send it to the competition. This is the most effective way to teach people to separate waste collection.