Russia taking promising direction towards Solar Energy development

Aug 18, 2021

Moscow (Russia), Aug 18, (ANI): Countries like the United States of America and other European countries, which have been using and even obtaining Renewable Energy Sources for a long time, Russia has also taken a promising direction towards development of devices that convert solar radiation into electricity. These domestic solar panels are produced by “Hevel Solar”, which is the first and only plant in Russia that has a specialisation in solar energetics. Earlier, the production of solar energy faced a lot of difficulties regarding the cost of producing this kind of electricity. The decrease in prices of solar panels helped in the production source of solar energy. The company is convinced that the solar energy won't just enable the households to save on electricity, Russians will be able to fully compensate their housing & communal bills, heating and hot water supply. Experts predict that the renewable energy share in Russia is expected to grow up to 3% and investments in building and development of this sector will amount to $53 billion.