Widespread anti-Pakistan protests demand release of Manzoor Pashteen

Feb 06, 2020

London (United Kingdom)/ Paris (France)/ Lahore (Pakistan), Feb 06 (ANI): The arrest of Manzoor Pashteen, a Pashtun leader from northwest Pakistan has sparked widespread protests and demonstrations. And these events are not just confined to Pakistan……but the anti-Pakistan sloganeering has resonated with the Pashtuns and other rights groups living in different parts of the world too. They are demanding an immediate release of their leader who was arrested on 26th January and was slapped with charges of sedition. These people accuse Pakistan government of muzzling a democratic voice of dissent that has successfully exposed the barbaric duo of civil and military rulers. The arrest of Manzoor Pashteen is latest in the line of Pakistan’s reflexive response to any form of dissent that gathers traction and becomes threat to its essentially autocratic rule. Manzoor Pashteen has successfully mobilized hundreds of thousands of people against the Pakistani government that has not just been treating them as second class citizens but has unleashed brutality against them. The movement he leads or Pashtun Tahafuz Movement seeks justice for those who have been abducted, arrested and tried on false charges. It also demands a free and fair enquiry into the extrajudicial killings by Pakistan army in the name of fighting terrorism in North West Pakistan. The little list of demands seeks a full stop at the torture and humiliation they endure every day, But sadistic rulers in Islamabad are not ready to concede to even these demands which would have not suffered even single...